Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Musings. . . .

This was a good Easter.

Despite a sickly little one. 

It was a good Easter because I felt ready for it for the first time in a few years.  My girls had new clothes and shoes.  They were adorable. . .and so grown up.

Mass turned out to be something else for sure.  The oldest had to serve and my husband was a reader.  So that left me with the little ones in the third pew.

Just before Mass started a family came in with one little girl wearing a headband with rabbit ears.  I thought to myself "really??" because this little girl is clearly old enough to be reasoned with on such an issue.  But she took them off before Mass started.

Another little girl sitting in the front pew was just a card.  We tried to be good but everything is funnier in church.  When it was time for collection she opened her little white sequined purse and tried to get her money out. . .only to have to dump her purse over so the change would fall directly into the collection basket.  At the sign of peace she was busy shaking hands with everyone.  She sang along with the choir, obviously in competition with her mother.  Too cute.

The Mass itself was everything it should be--uplifting and exuberant with beautiful music.  There was incense which I always love--the pungent smell and the wafting smoke bring tears to my eyes.  Not bad tears.  Good tears.  The "I'm where I belong" tears.  We were sprinkled with holy water.  We renewed our baptismal promises (which reminded me of a Mass about 32 years ago when one little boy clearly stated his "I do" just after the rest of the congregation--every single time).

After Mass we did our traditional pictures at my parents then went home to pull the meal together.  My parents came to us since the littlest girl wasn't feeling great.  We had a traditional ham and salads meal.  Afterward we did the Easter egg hunt outside.  Our day was capped off with a family movie in the living room where you could nod off if you preferred.

A perfectly comfy, not flashy holiday for us.  Special thanks to the kids for helping pull things together and especially to my oldest who has taken on the role of Easter Bunny assistant extraordinaire!  Couldn't have pulled it off without my excellent helpers.

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