Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Whatcha readin'?

I spent far too much time on a dud.  It was billed as a "thriller" and a real page turner.  The only reason I got through it was sheer stubborn determination to not quit.  I frequently told people what I was reading and told them to walk on by this one if they saw it sitting on a shelf.  Why waste your time on a dud?

And then as soon as I finished it I went back to PJ Tracy for my latest in that series--Shoot to Thrill.  Ahh, heaven.  Back with comfortable characters and a story I could follow. . .even though it is set in a part of the country I have never visited.  At least it was in the same country as me rather than a foreign land with it's own inside jokes that left me hopelessly lost.

I haven't finished it yet.  However it's not because it isn't any good.  It's because I picked up a "bestseller express" at the library and I needed to hurry to read it before it had to be returned.  What was it?  Six Years by Harlan Coben.  Again, it was a fine little read from an author I generally like.  This one is about a man who loses the love of his life and then six years later a death causes him to go looking for that lost love.  But the world turns upside down on him.  This seems to be one of Coben's specialties--showing us that the people we think we know aren't always the people we think we know after all.  The plot did not disappoint.  It moves right along with plenty of twists and turns. 

While I won't tell you the title or author of the first book I mentioned, I will tell you that it is a good use of your time to pick up a PJ Tracy book or a Harlan Coben.

Happy reading!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Taco Soup!

I know it's getting to be spring so soup doesn't sound quite as good as it does in December.  But this one hits the spot pretty much year round.

I have to give credit to a girl friend who doesn't cook but she managed to make taco soup for a department luncheon one day.  After eating hers I went in search of a recipe for us.  I didn't find one I liked so I pulled parts of different recipes to create my own.

1 lb ground chuck, browned
1 small onion, diced
2 cans petite diced tomatoes (do not drain!)
2 small cans green chiles
1 small can of sliced black olives
2 cans black beans, rinsed and drained (this step helps cut down on gas--sorry if that's tmi)
1 packet taco seasoning
1 packet ranch dressing mix

Brown meat and onion then add the rest of the ingredients.  If it seems too thick, add a cup of water.  Let simmer together.

We garnish with shredded cheese and sour cream and serve with tortilla chips.

Hopefully you enjoy this one as much as we do!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes?

How fitting that George Jones recorded this one a few years back.

Mr. Jones died yesterday. He was 81.  He had a slew of hits from 1959 through the late 1990s.  He was still going on tour. . .played at a town nearby me just a little while back.

So today as a tribute I'm linking a few of my favorites from George Jones.  May he rest in peace.  He had a turbulent life and a lot of good tunes.  Today we remember his music.

A Picture of Me Without You--with Lorrie Morgan

And probably my favorite. . .He Stopped Loving Her Today

Friday, April 26, 2013


"A heart weighs more when it splits in two; it crashes in the chest like a broken plane."
Mitch Albom--The Timekeeper

It has been six weeks now.  And yet it is still unbelievable.  We are still in a state of shock to some degree.  Our hearts are still broken.

Six weeks since the phone call that told us of the unimagineable.


Something that happens elsewhere.  Among other people.  Not in my family.

But sadly, we can no longer deny this reality.

As the family struggles to deal with the loss of a son, brother, uncle, cousin, we must come to grips with the ugly reality that depression lurks even where we may never suspect it.  It is a killer.  It takes beautiful human beings and transforms them into someone we no longer recognize.  It leaves us doubting ourselves and angry with  the depression and the person for not telling us about the pain.  And we are furious with him for the action he took.

What do we do?

How do we heal?

We pray for his soul.

We pray for his family and friends.

We rejoice in the stories we hear--from each other and from those people we didn't even realize he knew.  We relish the stories from people he worked with and influenced through his work with the summer musical.

These stories reinforce to us what we already know--and that he somehow lost sight of:  He was a man full of love for his work and for the peope in his world.  He was respected and loved by many.  He changed people's lives.

As we go forward we must NOT wall ourselves off in sadness.  We must keep watch over each other.  We must talk to each other.  We must ensure this does not happen again.  We must be certain that we get help for each other.

We must not deny reality.

We must go on. We must keep holding on.

I'm not really sure the song here is a great fit for my post.  But it is a song that encourages me to keep going even when I feel broken.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Dear Mother Nature

Thank you for that last blast of cold air across my town.  Due to your extreme thoughtfulness I was able to wear my new boots. . .the ones I wanted for months and kept in my Amazon cart waiting for the best price to hit. 

They are gorgeous. 

They smell heavenly.

They were an amazing deal.

And when the price hit  rock bottom (70% off!) I finally pulled the trigger and ordered my boots.  In April. 

I was prepared to not get to wear them (outside of my house) until at least October or November. 

But somehow you knew just how much these boots meant to me.

So you gave me a few cool days and then one really cold morning.

I don't wish to sound ungrateful but I know that most people around here are about fed up with the cool weather.  They are ready to move on to spring with sandals and white pants.

With that in mind, thank you for your thoughtfulness.  Anytime you are ready to send some warmer, more seasonally appropriate temperatures our way, we are ready--we think.  We hope.  We just know that 42 degrees in April is a bit too cool.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How to say "I love you"

We all have our special little ways of saying "I love you" to those we love.

Just as important is knowing what that person would like as a display of love, right?

So today a set of suggestions for how to say "I love you" to me.  Note as you read that the words are not as important as the actions.  Some people need to hear the worlds.  Not me.  Actions speak volumes.

  • Get me a bag of Cheetos and open it so they will go stale.  Simply because stale Cheetos are my favorite and we all know that.  Add a Diet Coke and life just got amazing.
  • After opening that bag. . .keep your hands out of it.  Let'em go stale for me!
  • Fold that basket of laundry. . .or maybe just put away the one that is folded and sitting at the bottom of the steps.
  • Wipe down the stove after dinner.  If I wasn't the chef for the night, it probably hasn't been wiped down during the dinner prep.  Do it for me and I'll be amazed.
  • Clean a bathroom. . .or just empty the trash from the bathroom.
  • Put gas in the car for me.  If you aren't old enough to do that, remind Daddy that Mom's car needs gas.
  • Stop in and give me a hug.  I'll probably check your forehead for fever and ask if everything is OK.  But a hug never hurts.
I'm curious--anyone care to be bold enough to join this conversation and share what says "I love you" to you?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Super Easy French Bread

We love bread in this house.  My family has been known to wander into the kitchen and see me working away then ask the silly question "What are you making Mom?"  And when I say bread they ask me why.  As if you need a reason to make bread.  It is bread.  What else can I say?

Thanks to the wonders of pinterest I came across a recipe for making French bread--fast and easy as well as cheap!  Original recipe source here:  http://www.dealstomeals.blogspot.com/2009/03/blog-post_09.html

I tried it.  The recipe says it takes 90 minutes to make.  It always takes me a little longer than that if I let it rise properly.  Maybe that's due to wonky weather around here affecting the rising stage.  Anyway, I am sharing her recipe with some re-wording on the process because I adapted things to suit my time frame.

French Bread recipe (this amount makes 3 small loaves or 2 large):

2 1/2 c. warm water
2 Tbls. yeast
3 Tbls. sugar
2 Tbls. white vinegar

Add the above ingredients together and let sit until bubbly (about 3-5 minutes).

Then add:
1 Tbls. salt
1/3 c. oil (she uses Canola; I usually do but sometimes I use olive oil and it's all good)
6-7 c. flour (or a little more if it's too soft), add one cup at a time until the dough is soft, but firm enough to make into loaves

Knead for 2-5 minutes and then put in the oven with a small pot of boiling water (keeps the dough moist). Watch the dough and punch it down when it gets to the top of the mixing bowl. Do this several times.  She recommends 2-5 times.

Take the dough out of the oven and divide into 2 or 3  sections. It might well be a little sticky.  If it's really sticking to your hands, you can add a bit more flour at this point. . .maybe 1/4 c at a time

Spray a cookie sheet with cooking spray and sprinkle a thin layer of cornmeal on the bottom of the sheet. Roll the dough balls into rectangle/long French bread shapes. (I use baking stones so I skip the cooking spray step)

Slash tops of bread diagonally 3-5 times

Let rise 30 minutes (or until doubled) on the counter.

(Alternate idea:  you can put them in your oven at 170 wait until they are the size you want to cook them at. Once they are to the right size, turn up your stove to 375--without opening the door--and let them bake until done)

Bake at 375 for 30 minutes. Enjoy!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Coming down from a sugar rush. . .

Oh my goodness!  Back to back birthdays are rough on the waistline for sure! And when it's also an extra long weekend so you throw a little sleepover for the kids into the mix, all bets are off on the diet being followed at all!

So as we head back this week, we are going to be focused on some healthier eating--the kind of meals that have vegetables served with them, as an essential component of the meal.

Tonight we are having meatloaf. . .which may or may not be considered healthy eating but at least it's a meal that gets veggies on the plate too and the family will eat the whole meal instead of picking bits and pieces to eat and call a meal.

Our meatloaf goes a little something like this:

1 1/2-2 lbs of ground chuck
1 egg
1/4 c ketchup
1/4 c brown sugar (yeah, I know but it makes it soooo good!)
a few shakes of onion powder
a shake of garlic powder
1/2 to 3/4 c bread crumbs
1/2 c oats (if needed)
salt/pepper to taste

Ha!  See, I have a hard time even telling you what I do for meatloaf because it changes almost every time I make it.  Tonight's meatloaf needed oats added to it because I failed to measure the ketchup and I think I got more than 1/4 cup. . .I was trying to finish up a bottle and it looked like the right amount. Oops.

I like to mix mine up in a ziploc bag.  Read that as "I put it in a ziploc bag so I can get a mini-me to mix it for me while I work on another project in the kitchen"  Yup, that's what I do.  Then we take it out and shape the loaf to put in a glass Pyrex pan that we sprayed lightly with Pam.  It goes in the fridge so the flavors come together. 

It bakes at 375 for 45-60 minutes.  During the last 15 minutes we put ketchup on the top.  I know this step isn't for everyone but I live among ketchup-holics so it's necessary to us.

Well a simple salad is always good. 

Mashed potatoes never hurt either (moderation people, all things in moderation). 

Peas would be an excellent choice to get another green on the table.

Some in my family love green beans (prepared with onion powder, white pepper, salt and a cube of beef bouillon). 

And corn is always a favorite--especially if I fry it.  Oh heck it's easy.  Just melt a tablespoon of butter in the pan and slowly add a pound of frozen corn.  It will sizzle and taste extra yummy. 

Carrots, steamed with lemon butter sprinkled on them and then lightly buttered are always a hit too.

See--healthy food.  Particularly if you eat in moderation.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Music for a very Happy Birthday!

This one was always one of my favorites as a little girl and it's one of my little girl's favorite songs!  So for her birthday, her song.

And apparently, there are a gazillion ways to spell Corina/Corrina/Corinna. As well as more than one Corinna Corinna song. I have developed a certain fondness for the mellow sound of this one too.

Happy Birthday baby girl!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Abbott and Costello

Another trip down memory lane here.  Brace yourselves!

When I was a kid, Abbott and Costello were on Saturday morning and since we went to early Mass, sometimes we got to watch it after Mass.

I have found memories of their shows.

And so today I share one of theirs. . .their version of Jack and the Beanstalk!  I hope you enjoy it!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Some things never change. . . .

I recently stopped by my old university.  The kids and I were out and, well, one of them needed a restroom so we made a quick pitstop.

We went into the old science and engineering building.  I spent many hours in that building even though I wasn't majoring in science or engineering.  My sister was a science student and I had a number of science-y or engineering geek friends (love ya guys, don't be offended--you know you were geeks!)  We chose that building because there is close parking and we don't run as great of a risk of getting a dreaded parking ticket in that particular lot.

The interior of the building has changed considerably.  The lobby is more "modern" than it was when I was there. They have changed things around. . .space that belonged to offices became classrooms and vice versa.

The bathroom though is right where I left it.  It has been improved too.  It has better lighting and new tile as well as faucets with sensor. 

But what I really liked was what hasn't changed at all.  On the inside of the stalls you can still find some reading material.  It was the weekly calendar with campus activities including Mass times and other group meetings.

Pretty cool.  Even in an age of constant electronic communication, the school uses paper calendars taped to the bathroom doors.

I love it.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


A friend suggested this one for us a few days ago.  I know it's meant to make school mornings easier but I'm happy to use it for the weekend too.  We adapted it to fit what we had in the pantry. 

Crockpot oatmeal that the kids will eat
1 can of peaches, drained
1/4 c brown sugar (we had some that was already blended with butter and cinnamon)
a pinch of salt
2 c oatmeal
2 c milk
2 c water

Layer ingredients in the crockpot in the order listed.   No need to stir. . .just turn on low and let cook for 8-9 hours.

Absolutely delish.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

On this day. . .

Oh my, so many events on this day.  Some good.  Some sad.

Today is my parents' anniversary--47 years!!  Guess its' time to start thinking about what they are going to do for their 50th anniversary, isn't it?

This is also the day that my godfather died nine years ago. 

Ten years ago on this day the nun that I was named after died.

On this day twelve years ago we learned that the spots on my sister's lungs were in fact cancer.

Today I choose to focus on my parents.  When I was little my mother always loved the movie Dr. Zhivago, which happened to be a huge hit in 1966.  One of her favorite songs was Lara's Theme.  It's a gorgeous song so I am including it today.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Walmart in the morning. . . .

My husband hates Walmart.  Me?  Not so much.  It has necessities.  Admittedly it is crazy busy on Saturdays but if you get the chance to go early in the morning, it's almost a divine experience. 


It's quiet.

Aisles are nearly empty.

You can hear yourself think.

Whenever I get the chance to drop kids off at school and then go to Walmart at 7:30 in the morning, I take it.  Soooooo much better than fighting the crowds on a Saturday.

Almost makes me happy.

Perhaps this makes me crazy.  But a no stress run to Walmart is definitely a good thing.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree!

I am a kid of the 70s raised by parents from the 40s but we lived as though it was the 50s.

My parents believed in family time, home cooked meals, dinner at 5 pm and good music.

We said our prayers every night before bed and prayed the Rosary on the way too or from my grandparents house.

Much of the music I listened to as a little girl was either orchestral music or popc from the 1960s.  But this particular one is a song I distinctly remember hearing on the radio. It's from Tony Orlando and Dawn and tells the story of a man getting out of prison and the signal he asks his girlfriend to give him when he gets back to town.  A yellow ribbon means she wants him back.  No ribbon means he should stay on the bus.

Listen for yourself. . .I won't give away the ending!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Father's Little Dividend

Yup, it's time for another Friday movie.  We haven't had one in a while.  This one is the follow-up to the original Father of the Bride.  Elizabeth Taylor and Spencer Tracy. . .classic.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ahhh music. . .soothes the savage soul

Last night I happened across a gorgeous video of William Gillock's Valse Triste.  Such a gentle soothing piece of music.  Once I listened to it several times, I followed youtube links to listen to more music that had been uploaded by Franco Di Nitto.

Today I urge you to take a listen to the music he has uploaded.  For me this is perfect music for an evening at home with a good book or a stack of papers that must be graded or even a textbook that you need to study to prep a lesson.

Because either youtube is being wonky or blogger is wonky (or maybe it's just my internet connection?) I will simply give you the link to Franco Di Nitto's YouTube page.  From there you can click the link to "view all" of his uploaded videos.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Mickey Mouse Club

When I was a little girl, I watched re-runs of the Mickey Mouse Club.  I loved the show because hey, that's who I am. 
Everytime I introduce a guest speaker to my classes I can't help but think "Today is Tuesday you know what that means. . .we're going have a special guest. . .
Ok, listen for yourself: 
Annette Funicello died on Monday.  She was 70 years old.  She had been one of the original Mousekeeters and went on to star in several "beach movies" during the 1960s.  She was a beautiful woman.  I'll remember her as a Mousekeeter.  May she rest in peace.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Quick recap of the ACM awards

Could Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton be any cuter?  I love that their song "Over You" was a big winner.  It's a really powerful song.

Garth Brooks was a class act, singing "The Dance" and not doing anything unique with it--just singing it as we all expected it.  Then he sang with George Strait and remembered his place.  George is the reigning king of country music.  No upstaging by Mr. Brooks.  Thank you for that!

And Luke Bryan's reaction to winning Entertainer of the Year was absolutely priceless.  I was in tears. . .felt like someone just needed to go give that man a hug.

Since "Over You" is the most powerful song of the show, I'm including it for you today.  Those who know me well understand why this song hits home.  Anyone who has had a loss understands as well.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Would you like to swing on a star?

This one popped into my head a few days ago.  It was among the great hits we were treated to listening to when I was a kid.  And actually I like it very much.  I always did but now I love it because it reminds me of being a little girl and watching "Going My Way" with my family.

Enjoy. . .an don't grow up to be a mule! You can be better than you are :-)

Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday Five (I know, I know)

But this is supposed to be a blog that includes my favorite things.  So why not?

1.  Trader Joe's Spicy Chai Latte

2.  Trader Joe's Organic Dark Chocolate Truffles (Christmas time only)

3.  Fridays in general!

4.  Ivory Snow detergent.  I have long been a fan of Dreft but it's crazy expensive.  I like Purex Baby detergent but it doesn't have the same baby smell.  Ivory Snow is like middle ground price-wise and it smells soooo deliciously baby-like. 

5.  Having a former student guest speak in my class.  Brian graduated 11 years ago and is in banking.  He came in to do a lesson that had been set up by another organization.  One of the other gentlemen who came in told me that Brian was nervous about being the teacher.  No need for nerves--he did great.  And it was absolutely awesome to see him all grown up, married, father to a little girl, a homeowner and hard working young man. 

Enjoy your Friday!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

I am geek--hear me roar!

Today I share with you something fascinating.  At least, it is for me.  And I hope you enjoy it too. 

Apparently on Monday I totally missed Google's fun with a treasure hunt.  But I found it yesterday and spent WAY too much time playing with another treasure hunt that had been created.

IGCSE Modern World History Revision

Go ahead.  Do a treasure hunt!  Just be sure that any "outside" searching happens in another window because if you accidentally leave the page, you have to start over.. . .and that is a total bummer.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Oh Happy Day. . .

Because it is.  They tell me that it's going to get warmer by the weekend. . .more spring-like weather.  That's cause to celebrate!

We also celebrate some new babies.  One of the guys I work with was due to meet baby #3 on Tuesday.  And another lady from work is to meet her first grandbaby later on today.  So excited for both of them.  They are getting little girls.  I cannot wait for names and pictures!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Man that was rough!

Returning to work is always hard.

First of all, I have to wear shoes.  All. Day. Long.  Crazy, yanno?  And of course I went all out and wore a pencil skirt, dotted hose, hiiiiiiigh heels.  It was a sharp outfit if I do say so myself.

And then, adding insult to injury, I only get to eat at certain times.  One might think this is a good thing but I find that when I have to eat on somebody else's schedule, I tend to mess up.  I might not be hungry when it's time to eat but I eat anyway just because I don't want to get hungry later and not be able to eat.  Or maybe it's just that I'm grouchy about having to wait to eat?

Today the two younger girls get their first day back to school.  Hopefully they adjust better to the whole "wearing shoes and eating on a schedule" thing better than I did.

Onward and upward. . .each day gets us closer to summer. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Back to life, back to reality

Somehow it just seems wrong to go back to school on April Fool's Day, yanno?  Two of the kids don't go back until the second (lucky!)

But since I get to head right back into reality, I have a few tricks up my sleeve to get through the week.

There's chicken salad.

There's ham salad.

There's shredded chicken waiting to become bbq chicken.

There's shredded chicken waiting to become lime chicken tacos.

So even though the calendar calls for a busy week, we will be eating well.

Mom's Ham Salad:
Use a food processor to shred previously fully cooked ham.

Add just enough salad dressing to make it into ham salad.  Remember you can always add more Miracle Whip but it's pretty hard to just come up with more ham ;-)

Perhaps my most ridiculous recipe ever but since I had a friend ask me how I make ham salad, I figured there was a chance that someone else out there might need a little nudge.

A little tune to get us back in the swing of things: