Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Nothing like a trip to the hardware store to cool your jets.

So I went into the weekend all excited about plans for my basement. 

I had a set of plans for some storage shelves.  Showed them to the hubby.  He was less than thrilled.  So I got busy measuring and drawing and figuring things out.

I showed the original plans to my dad.  Quietly asked his opinion on the shelves.  He gave it a thumbs up.  He even very patiently and politely listened to me drivel on and on about how if we build the one wall 16 feet long we could build 2 of these shelves and then wowsers all my storage problems should be solved, right?

(And this is why I'm still a daddy's girl.  That man is king of the world!)

Then I spent Saturday morning looking at the Lowe's website to get an idea of what materials will cost me.  The plans said $60 and 1 evening.  Ok, so I made modifications to the plan so I figured that my costs would be different. 

Found some plywood for $14.  Hubby snickered at that.  I didn't know why.  I thought he was talking about the cheap plywood he bought for shelves at the old house. 

Went to Lowe's.  Priced the 2 x 4's.  Right what I expected them to be.  Looked at the plywood.  Oh dear.  Not what I want.  To get what I want it's going to cost me at close to $30 per sheet. 

This means my shelves will cost 2x what the plans showed.  Bummed.  I wanted to build 3 of these shelving units.  And not that it's impossible.  Heavens no.  I'm still going to get my storage shelves.  Just not this weekend or even next weekend.  Might have to wait until spring break to tackle this.

Or then again, maybe I just need to modify my already modified plans?  I checked the Menard's website and found a better price on 2 x 4s.  And they have a better plywood for the same price as the "inferior" stuff I saw at Lowe's.  Maybe I don't need 3 ft deep shelves either. 

Yeah, that's the ticket.  Modification.  Trial and error.  Since I'm looking to build more than 1 wall of shelves, why not build a set that is just 2 ft deep (and do-able for under $100) and see how it goes.  If it turns out that I want deeper shelves I can always do that for the shelving on the other wall.

Good plan.  Now maybe I can even start on these shelves next weekend rather than waiting until spring break.  :-)

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