Monday, March 19, 2012

I'm a slacker with these recipes. . .

Since my fridge went on the fritz (fixed), my microwave died (RIP) and my oven has a mind of it's own (seriously, it heats to 500 degrees Fahrenheit even when I'm trying to keep it at 325) I have not been doing my usual cooking.

But I have a great recipe that 4 out of 5 in my household love and it doesn't require much effort or the use of the microwave or the oven!  Today's hit from our kitchen is the Italian Bean Patty!

3 cans of cannellini beans rinsed and drained
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 c bread crumbs
1/2-1 tsp of garlic powder (depends on how much you like garlic)
1/2-1 tsp of onion powder
1 tsp oregano or Italian seasoning

Begin my smashing the rinsed/drained beans.  I suppose you could use a food processor but I hate cleaning mine and a potato masher accomplishes the same task but is easier to clean.

Once the beans are sufficiently mashed, mix in the eggs.  Then add the seasonings and bread crumbs.  Form into patties (like a hamburger patty).  I am able to get 12 patties out of 3 cans of beans.

Fry in an electric skillet with olive oil.  These are delicate when you try to turn them over so be careful.

You can serve them with spaghetti sauce.  I love to fry up some zucchini and onions to go with this.  I also steam some baby carrots for my non-zuchhini fans in the household.

I'm amazed my kids love these.  I had to stop my middle child from eating them all up because I was counting on having leftovers! 

They are cheap food too.  Even if you dredge them through cornmeal before you fry them (which I don't) you are still looking at a meal that is under 25 cents per patty (considered a serving--please tell my daughter who was on her way to eating her 3rd patty when I stopped her!)  It's good clean eating.  Filling but not the kind of meal that leaves you stuffed.

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