Saturday, March 10, 2012

It's that time of year again! Time to spring forward!

While one part of me is happy because setting the clock ahead means that we are moving out of winter and into spring.  But another part, the sleepy part, is terribly disappointed to have to give up an hour of sleep this weekend!

This is proof that even though I am in my forties now, I'm still not a grown up.  Because once again, the time change snuck up on me!  How does that happen???  My parents always knew when it was coming and weren't caught so unaware. 

I have friends who do subtle adjustments to their kids' bedtime the week before the time change.  Not me.  I just plan to let them stay up an extra hour (if they can) and then go to bed and set my clocks ahead.  They can enjoy the extra hour for the day that way, right?

Maybe one day I'll remember when the time change is coming so I can be better prepared and not lament the loss of an hour of sleep.  Personally I'm a more of a fan of "falling back" so I can get my extra sleep :-)

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