Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I.Made.The.Cut. Yay me!

Facebook claims that it will not tell when you leave someone out--whether it's blocking from a status update or denying access to a photo album.

I call bull.

Once upon a time you could quietly hide your activity from others.  There was no marker for the world to see when you did that.  Just some people mysteriously got very little info on your life.  Convenient?  You betcha.  Sometimes it's awkward to deny that friend request but you have no plans to share that much of your life with some people, right?

Then came a round of "improvements" from the world of Facebook. 

Yes, "improvements."

Now for better or worse you can see just who all those status updates are meant for. . .not by a listing but you can see whether it was shared with "friends" or "friends of friends" or "public" or my personal favorite "custom."

I'll admit it, most of mine are "custom."  Just because I accepted you as a friend doesn't mean that you need to know everything about me.  Sorry.  That's just the way it goes.  Please don't be upset.  Chances are I haven't shared everything in real life either--and chances are you would actually be thankful to know that you've been left out of some of it.  It's not about keeping anything from you in particular.  It's just no point in boring you with all of it.

When I see "Custom" it always makes me feel a little bit like Charlie Sheen.  I may not have Tiger Blood or Adonis DNA but I can be Winning!  If one of my friends has chosen to limit who has access to his or her life and I have made the cut, well, it's a cause for celebration.  Break out the party music and sing along:  "Celebrate good times, come on!"

I don't even care who was actually left out of the update.  I don't feel superior to them.  I just get great joy that I have been included in that little tidbit of someone's life.  Maybe it was pictures of the family's new home.  Maybe it was pictures of the kids at a program (aren't they precious!)  Maybe it was pictures of your birthday cake~~and you let me see how old you really are. (Yay!!  Celebrate every birthday you get to have!!!!  Rejoice in another year with your friends and family!)

But I digress.  I.made.the.cut.  And that is a cause for celebration in my little world.

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