Monday, November 5, 2012

The Raisin

My daughter and I were heading home from piano lessons the other day.  She had some Milk Duds and I begged her to share.  She did because she is a good kid like that.  As soon as I saw the package though I was disappointed because somehow I thought "Whoppers" when she said "Milk Duds."   But hey, it's all good when you are hungry/thirsty so I took two and said thanks.

And then as the chocolate melted away and I was left with a hunk of caramel (delicious, don't get me wrong) I remembered, again, why I prefer Whoppers over Milk Duds.

Whoppers can just melt away in your mouth.

Milk Duds leave you with hunks of caramel that just don't melt away in your mouth.

So I go about my business kind of chewing them and all at once my daughter is laughing. . .she has a hunk of caramel stuck to her front tooth.

It was funny.  And funnier if you were there.  But the funniest is if you were me looking at her and remembering the time that my dad got up from the dinner table and went into another room to stick a raisin over his front teeth so he could come back to the table and pretend he was missing teeth.

Not funny to you?  What if your dad did that when the priest from your church was one of the people sitting at the dinner table?

Yup, that's my dad.  Always one for doing what is proper.  No really, he is.  But for some reason he felt so inclined that night to stick a raisin on his front teeth and act like he was missing his front teeth.  For the priest.

Maybe this explains my random acts of insanity?  I got it all honestly from my dad.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

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