Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Whatcha readin'?

I spent far too much time on a dud.  It was billed as a "thriller" and a real page turner.  The only reason I got through it was sheer stubborn determination to not quit.  I frequently told people what I was reading and told them to walk on by this one if they saw it sitting on a shelf.  Why waste your time on a dud?

And then as soon as I finished it I went back to PJ Tracy for my latest in that series--Shoot to Thrill.  Ahh, heaven.  Back with comfortable characters and a story I could follow. . .even though it is set in a part of the country I have never visited.  At least it was in the same country as me rather than a foreign land with it's own inside jokes that left me hopelessly lost.

I haven't finished it yet.  However it's not because it isn't any good.  It's because I picked up a "bestseller express" at the library and I needed to hurry to read it before it had to be returned.  What was it?  Six Years by Harlan Coben.  Again, it was a fine little read from an author I generally like.  This one is about a man who loses the love of his life and then six years later a death causes him to go looking for that lost love.  But the world turns upside down on him.  This seems to be one of Coben's specialties--showing us that the people we think we know aren't always the people we think we know after all.  The plot did not disappoint.  It moves right along with plenty of twists and turns. 

While I won't tell you the title or author of the first book I mentioned, I will tell you that it is a good use of your time to pick up a PJ Tracy book or a Harlan Coben.

Happy reading!

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