Friday, April 26, 2013


"A heart weighs more when it splits in two; it crashes in the chest like a broken plane."
Mitch Albom--The Timekeeper

It has been six weeks now.  And yet it is still unbelievable.  We are still in a state of shock to some degree.  Our hearts are still broken.

Six weeks since the phone call that told us of the unimagineable.


Something that happens elsewhere.  Among other people.  Not in my family.

But sadly, we can no longer deny this reality.

As the family struggles to deal with the loss of a son, brother, uncle, cousin, we must come to grips with the ugly reality that depression lurks even where we may never suspect it.  It is a killer.  It takes beautiful human beings and transforms them into someone we no longer recognize.  It leaves us doubting ourselves and angry with  the depression and the person for not telling us about the pain.  And we are furious with him for the action he took.

What do we do?

How do we heal?

We pray for his soul.

We pray for his family and friends.

We rejoice in the stories we hear--from each other and from those people we didn't even realize he knew.  We relish the stories from people he worked with and influenced through his work with the summer musical.

These stories reinforce to us what we already know--and that he somehow lost sight of:  He was a man full of love for his work and for the peope in his world.  He was respected and loved by many.  He changed people's lives.

As we go forward we must NOT wall ourselves off in sadness.  We must keep watch over each other.  We must talk to each other.  We must ensure this does not happen again.  We must be certain that we get help for each other.

We must not deny reality.

We must go on. We must keep holding on.

I'm not really sure the song here is a great fit for my post.  But it is a song that encourages me to keep going even when I feel broken.

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