Friday, July 13, 2012

I "heart" Michael Bennett

Really truly I do.

I mean, he's the man.  A Catholic police detective in New York City with 10 children that he's raising with a lot of help from his nanny and Father Seamus (I totally loved when they ran down the top ten reasons it's great to have a priest as your grandfather!)

This character speaks to me.  In the midst of all that happens with his job and his family he keeps track of what is most important and he does not screw up.  Well, sometimes he does--but not in a way that cannot be fixed.  When he is coping with a great loss, he heads to church to pray.  He takes breaks from his job to be with his family.  He is resigned to his role as dad of 10 but you know that he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.  Obviously he would prefer to have his wife Maeve with him in this crazy world.  But he has his head on straight to tackle the crazy world he is in.

I love that.

As much as I love Jack Reacher for his renegade sense of justice (and his impeccable thought process to solve the situation), I completely adore Michael Bennett for being the perfect gentleman, doting father and smart detective who always gets his guy.  Yup, you could even compare him to Cary Grant.

As soon as I saw that there was a new Michael Bennett novel coming out I got on the waiting list for the library.  But then luck smiled upon me and I found a copy just sitting on the Bestseller Express rack, waiting for me to pick it up.  I refuse to read it too fast though.  Patterson and Ledwidge always makes these novels page-turners but I want to savor my time with the Detective.  Because he is everything you want a familyman to be. . .plus a detective who always manages to get the bad guy.  He is "the good guy" that you hope still exists in the world.

If you haven't read any of this series yet, shame on you.  Go pick up a copy and treat yourself to a great story.

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