Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July!

Ahhhh, the 4th of July.  Every country has one but the US has a great way to celebrate it!

Cookouts with friends and family followed up by fireworks. . .all night long. . .and for the weekends before, and after.  Ooooh and out in the country, it's a reason to hold target practice off your back deck shooting into the woods.  Oh yes, good times for sure.  Oops, I believe some sarcasm slipped in there.  The shooting off the deck doesn't annoy me all that much.  When we built our house, I knew who we were building next to and I was aware of their gun addiction.  But when it scares the kids it is a bit stressful.

Anyway, back to the subject at hand.

The Fourth of July!  Patriotism and good times.  We tend to celebrate with a cookout at our house, a small fireworks and sparklers display in the driveway (which is usually entirely stressful for at least one anxiety filled member of the family) and then we head off to my workplace to watch the city's fireworks display.  We are so lucky to be able to go to a quiet controlled spot for fireworks.  It is a patio with restricted access for employees and their families only.  Quite lovely.

I'm going to leave you today with one of my favorite 4th of July songs.  Have a good one!

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