Monday, July 1, 2013


We have had terribly hot weather for the last couple of weeks.  Humid too.  So when it cooled off the other night, we went out on the porch for a bit to try out the new furniture.  My littlest one saw the fireflies and just had to chase after them.

Then she had the idea. . .Mommy--can we get a jar and put holes in the lid so we can catch a few of them?

Yes indeed we can!

I sent her into the house to look for a jar.  She didn't know where I stash old jelly jars so I ended up going in with her.  We rigged up the lid and she was ready to go get her some fireflies!

Then her older sister got into the game.

They probably caught a total of six of them. Th oldest sister came out to help explain how fireflies are able to light up.

It was one of those "moments' that didn't last long enough.  All at once the fireflies were gone--replaced by other things that seem to bite more.  So it was time to release the ones they had captured and head into the house.

Probably not more than forty-five minutes from start to finish.  But the kind of memory every little one should get to have.

Good stuff.

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