Thursday, August 9, 2012

My girls are so lucky

I hope that they realize it.

My parents have the ability, the time and the desire to take little trips to the lake with us.  They could go without us.  But they allow us to go.

And on our most recent trip, my dad took along swim trunks so that he could get in the pool with the girls.  They loved it.  They told me that he is "the most fun in the pool."  This of course means that I stink because I prefer to sit on the side and watch them while I sun and read at the pool.  Their daddy gets in with him but he does not do cannonballs with them.  He doesn't let them hang onto him while he swims under water.

But my dad does.  Bless his heart.

The real display of love for the grandkids came from my parents the morning that they snuck out early to get my mom a swimsuit so she could get in the pool too.  My mom hates the water.  My mom hates the heat.  My mom isn't even supposed to spend much time in the sun.  But she wanted to be part of it.  So off they went.

We have photos to document the memories for the girls.  Strict promises have been made to not share these photos with everyone--and I won't.  But I wanted my girls to have photographic proof of the day their grandparents got in the pool with them.

That's good stuff.

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