Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tweezers anyone? Can I get a little more light too?


I volunteered to help out our orchestra.  I figured I'd put my rusty skills to work and have some fun.

It is fun.  Our director is a young kid (yep, he's almost young enough to be my own child.  Oy.)  Our string specialist is the daughter of my violin instructor from years ago.

Just being back in the atmosphere and watching the two of them interact with the kids is an absolute joy. 

Today I was asked to do something I hadn't done in a while.  Will asked me to change out the entire set of strings on a few violins.

First set went just fine.  Took me longer than it probably would have taken him or the specialist.  But I got it done.

Then I went out to find another violin. . .settled on one and when I was on the second string, bam, trouble.  I couldn't see.  The little hole to thread the string through the peg was hidden in a shadow and dagnabbit (I lost my rabbit. . .he took my money and ran away. . .oh wait, you have no idea what that was do you?) the hole was shrinking too!  Felt something like Alice in Wonderland!

I struggled away, determined to get it.  Will came over and asked if i needed anything. . .maybe a screwdriver (he had no idea how funny that was. . .joke from long ago).  I told him I needed tweezers.  He didn't have any.  So he tried to get that blasted A string threaded through the peg.   No luck.  He asked me if I had tweezers.  Right-y-oh!

I had to take off on a trip around the building looking for tweezers.  Finally I found some at the media center--because Bob rocks and has much more than just books and magazines!

I returned, victorious to finish re-stringing the violin. Success!

And I even got a promise from Bob to pick up some medical grade tweezers the next time he sees them at a flea market.  Extra victorious!

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