Monday, June 4, 2012

Things I know. . . .

In no particular order:
  1. You can lead a horse to water but you seriously cannot make that animal drink if he doesn't want to drink it!
  2. A clean house makes me happy.
  3. Other people who live in my house seem to not care if it's clean or dirty.
  4. Refer to #1 again.
  5. You should always read through the whole recipe before you decide "I think I'll double that" because otherwise, you might end up with a lot more English muffins than you were planning to make.
  6. Wrap-around porches rock.
  7. Air conditioning rocks even more.
  8. Friends with swimming pools are good to have in the summertime.
  9. I always thought I was a people person.  Turns out I just might be more of a loner than I ever thought.  Give me a good book and some quiet time and I can be happy for many many hours.
  10. Pinky promises work.

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