Friday, June 15, 2012

Are those the right wedding rings? Why yes, I think they are!

Sixteen years.

Quite hard to believe.

The weather sixteen years ago on this day was incredibly hot and humid.  Somehow when we set the wedding date we thought "we should get married in June before it gets so hot."  Somehow we were dead wrong.

I love my wedding ring and engagement ring.  I love them so much I don't always wear them.  It's not about wanting to keep them shiny in a box.  But I love to bake and if you are working in dough, who wants rings on?  Not the OCD chick who thinks about germs and how will she get the dough outta the little channel set diamonds!  Plus I hate wearing them to the gym or any other place my hands might swell and feel icky.  And finally, years ago we discovered that I have a little metal allergy and even though I know my rings won't cause a reaction, I still feel like my fingers need air sometimes.  Usually I don't wear my rings around my own house but if I have plans to go somewhere, I put them on.

But a few weeks ago I was out without them and  realized just how naked my hand felt.   It's been more than seventeen years of ring wearing here (you know, when you consider there was an engagement ring first) and when I find myself out anywhere without them, I feel lost.  Even when I know that I left them at home on purpose I get panicked about where they are.  It felt good to get back home and slip my rings back on my finger.  Right where they are supposed to be.  And apparently I need to wear them a lot more because the title of today's post comes from the lips of our oldest child who somehow forgot what my rings look like.  Oops.  But it's funny because seriously, how many wedding bands does she think I have?

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