Friday, September 2, 2011

The Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall

Friday after school we had errands to run after school.  One of them left us just a few blocks away from the Wall.  I told the girls that we had to stop at the Wall first. . .the other things could wait.  We called for a family meet at the Wall; their daddy was on his way home from work and was just a few blocks away from us when we called.  Perfect.

The older girls walked with their dad.  Our youngest stayed with me.  She's seven.  She had a lot of questions and quickly picked up on the hushed voices and slow pace of the walk along the wall.  She asked why were all the names on there.  When I told her about the war and about the soldiers' experience she got very quiet.  I thought she was going to cry.  I was already choking back tears.

My husband and the other girls were already through the walk . . .I wondered why they went so fast.  They soon came back with a printout.  My husband's uncle was killed in Vietnam, just about a month before he was born.  So they had gone to get the location of Richard's name.

We walked past tributes. . .pictures, cards, drumsticks, and beer.  Two Vets were sitting on the grass reminiscing.

It made for a sober start for the start of the weekend.  But I think it made an impact on the girls.  Hopefully we get them to DC in the next couple of years to see the Wall. They should do the etching for themselves of their great-uncle's name.

1 comment:

  1. Aww. That's so sweet. You should take them to see the Wall and let them do the etchings for themselves. I'm sure it just wouldn't be the same otherwise.
