Tuesday, September 6, 2011


My mom hates when I call out "karma" when the kids get what they have coming to them. She's probably right on it too. After all, she's been right about an awful lot of things over the years.

But I firmly believe that what goes around comes around.  You treat others with kindness, you get kindness in return.  You treat others poorly, that's what comes back on you.

Sometimes karma is just downright hilarious though.  Of course I realize that just by saying it out loud I am setting myself up for some snap of karma.  But when you see someone who believes she is superior intellect and better at pretty much everything and she lords it over others and she gets called out on it. . .well. . .it's just really tough to not sit back and smile over it.

Petty?  Yes, I'm sure it is.  Say something is lacking in my character?  Yes, I'm sure it does.

But I cannot help it.  Right now I am just feeling like someone else finally got what was coming to her for years of being "better than" the rest of us.  Sadly I know it won't have any lasting effect in how she behaves.  But for a moment, she had to feel the way the rest of us often do at her hand.

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