Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bad Books

There are some things that I just can't stand to read.

I could probably come up with a list of 50. . .or 3.

In all seriousness, I hate reading "dark" novels.  The ones where the characters are just not good souls.  I can handle characters making mistakes and learning about themselves but not when they are just dark dark dark souls.  I read one of those last week.  It was on the New York Times Bestseller list for weeks and weeks so I thought, it must be good, right?  I was so disappointed at the end that I just wanted to kill the two main characters. . .even if that meant that I was just like one of them.

I can handle stressful stories.  I can handle Jodi Picoult plot twists. 

But books filled with foul language and books with dark characters?  I'd rather leave those on the shelf.  Why waste my time?  Even if the book manages to stay on the NY Times Bestseller list for months at a time.  I just can't waste my precious reading time on trash.

Guess I just want a happy ending.

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