Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dog Days of Summer (aka, the end is near)

We're nearly to the end of our summer vacation.  Sad.  Every year we start the 10 weeks full of hopes and dreams of what we'll accomplish.  Afternoons at the pool.  Movies.  Sleepovers.  And as it winds down I always wonder "are the girls happy with how the summer turned out?"

Today one of the girls desperately wanted to go swimming.  But it's so hot and humid that even a trip to a pool with plenty of shade isn't appealing.  Hubby suggested we go to the movies tonight.  I wasn't a fan of that simply because of the cost.

My alternative?  Family movie night at home with popcorn and fudge.  When I was a kid I loved it when my parents would make popcorn and fudge for us.  Mom's fudge was really sweet. . .melt in your mouth granulated deliciousness.  I've never tasted fudge from anywhere else like hers.  When we were little we were allowed 2 pieces of fudge in an evening.  This of course meant that you had to choose the 2 biggest available pieces or try to claim that your pieces were small enough that they didn't count as 2 actual pieces.  And it had to be eaten with popcorn--even as a kid I knew sweet and salty was the best combo for a snack! 

We make it using a Magnalite pan (hard to find those these days) on a gas stove.  Every time my mom has tried to make it at someone else's house with a different brand of pan or an electric stove, it just wasn't the same. Good thing I have a set of Magnalite pans! 

Now we just need to agree on a movie and get the popcorn ready!

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