Saturday, January 21, 2012

So there it is. Just standing there looking at me.

Not that any of you know what it's like.

How can you?

You don't know what it's like living like this.

Keeping the blinds shut so no one else can see.

Having to listen to the comments when my mother comes over.  (You'd think she'd know to just leave it alone. . I mean, she is probably here for a nice homecooked meal so why ruin it with the comments?)

It's not to the point of being completely mortifying yet.  But given that none of my friends are dealing with this one, well, it's kind of lonely.

My Christmas tree is still up.

There.  I said it.

And every time my mom comes into my house she says "Merry Christmas!  Oh.  I thought we were celebrating Christmas or something."


So she had her tree down weeks ago.  She had Dad help her.  And he did.  Willingly.

My husband?  Mostly he wishes he could "will" the tree job to someone else.  Like the kids.  (I know.  Every mother on earth knows that kids are better at putting a tree up than they are taking it down.  Sadly, fathers do not have the same knowledge.  Rose colored glass. . .or whatever.)

I have great hopes.  I hope he realizes that we're taking the tree down tonight.  I can't stand it any longer.  If I allow it to stay up any longer it becomes a Birthday Tree and I cannot start that kind of nonsense.

Can I?

Noooooooo!!!!  It's coming down.  Heading back to it's rightful spot under the basement steps until December rolls around again.

Now might be a good time to say a prayer to St. Jude for us on this one.

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