Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Magnalite Giveaway: Some things in life are too good to say no to!

I recently inherited some Magnalite pans from my mom.  She has more than she could possibly use (her original set, her mom's original set and my sister's set).  I knew she had a lot but there's not point in asking for things that you know are eventually going to make their way to you, right? 

So I waited.  My set of pans has served me well over the last 16 years but I've always felt like something was missing.  While there are only 4 burners on my stove, my collection of pans was too small. 

I picked up 2 pans with lids--perfect for cooking my sides.

What is so special about Magnalite pans? 

Look how pretty they are!

Ok, more importantly, they are good enough for my grandmother and my mom which says alot.  They are aluminum/magnesium alloy and start life as shiny pans.  They are thicker than other pans I have used and apparently have a more "convection" like cooking than other pans do when you put the lid on.  They are molded to have a pouring spout.  And they heat evenly which of course helps you get your meal on the table faster.  The shine wears off eventually, no matter how careful you are with them.  But they are durable pans and really easy to clean. 

My collection of pans has grown.  And I am thrilled.  I love having pans that belonged to my mom and my grandmother.  I know the ones I just got weren't my sister's because these were stamped with the Wagnerware name as well which dates them to the 1950s (or older).

I strongly encourage anyone who is looking for pans to look for these.  They are still made but as part of another manufacturer.  But from all reports I have read, they are still worth the investment.  I truly could not cook the things I do without these pans.  Believe me, we all know the importance of the proper fudge pan--nothing but a Magnalite pan will do for my mama's fudge!

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