Friday, December 30, 2011

What the world needs now. . . .

It's that time of year again--time for end of the year reflections.  The media started earlier this week doing its annual re-cap of  important news events.  There are stories of great tragedy and sadness mixed in with incredible tales of love, compassion and kindness.  The Wall Street Journal described it as:  "a year of conflict, a year of tragedy, and for some a year of hope."

But there's just not enough.

In a world full of snarkiness (I know. . .I'm a chief contributor to snarkiness) there's just not enough kindness and compassion.  All too often our reactions to those around us are less than kind.  Someone cuts us off in traffic and we comment on the other driver's abilities or family heritage.  Clueless people make comments to us that show no thought or kindness and we bristle then retort back. 

What happened to "Do unto others as you would have done unto you."  

I'm not much for making resolutions.  But this one seems worthy.  Rather than being the funny snarky girl I'm going to work on being the girl who treats others with kindness.  Not a doormat.  But someone who tries to remember that each person has struggles.  And it's not my job to make the struggles more difficult.  But to do what I've been put here to do. . .to help others.  And I do so hope some kind soul out there is ready to help me out too because I'm just going to be honest here--I need help too!

Looking out into the world I see hardship and struggle.  But I also see friends helping each other.  Sometimes it's a simple note saying "you are wonderful!" and other times it's bigger stuff like taking someone shopping, paying off a debt for a friend or maybe even someone you don't know.  The world needs more of that.  And a little more prayer wouldn't hurt either. 

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