Tuesday, July 23, 2013


I was stretched out on the beach trying to decide if I should just give in and take a nap or try to read for a while.  Suddenly one of my kids came out of the water and passed all the chairs/umbrellas to announce "Shark Mommy!!  Shark!"

And sure enough, there was a shark!  Everyone got out of the water and gawked at it like it was the most amazing thing ever. 

OK, so it probably was pretty amazing.  We've been to that beach a few times over the last ten years and we had never seen a shark. 

We all just stood there watching as it swam along the coast.  There were a couple of guys on paddleboards, smacking the paddle on the water to try to steer the shark back away from the beach.  I am a terrible judge of distance but I can say I was well out of the water and I could easily see the shark as he/she swam by.  Someone said it was around eight feet long but I have no idea if that person knew what he was talking about or not.

When my family went over to get sno-cones, they asked the girl that was working the stand if sharks have been a common thing this year.  She said they were not; she thought there had been one at the start of summer but this was the first since then.

Sooo, my kids got a nice cool little memory out of their trip to the beach.  They actually got to see a shark swim right past them.

Sorry, no pics.  The zoom on my camera isn't that fabulous and seriously, do you think I wanted to look that much like a tourist? 

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