Now, back to the topic at hand.
It was spring break.
We took a trip to the state capital for a speech tournament. Great experience but no ribbons at this one. Because of an impending snow storm, we opted to stay over for an extra night. Snow came much later than expected but my youngest lil one got a chance to swim outside as the snow was falling which is pretty stinkin' cool. We were at a hotel with an indoor/outdoor pool. (You swim under a partition and you are outside.) Plenty of her friends might tell stories of swimming in the ocean over spring break but I pretty well imagine she will be the only one to swim outside with snow falling on her head!
While in the state capital we managed a little shopping--stocked up on chocolate which is terribly important. Then we made the drive back home, leaving the snow behind but not heading into any kind of tropical paradise. It was cold and grey back home.
The day after we got home we spent some time working in the basement. We have a lot of free carpet we picked up from a friend who opened a new business. That was two years ago and we finally got around to rolling out the carpet and getting it cleaned. My insistence was to get one side of the basement done--and not return any of the junk to that side. So we have a lovely guest bedroom started. The bed is pretty good and there are two couches in the room. OK, so it's not really a "room" but more like a side of the basement. But it is starting to take shape as a space to live in rather than a space to throw junk.
We did a huge "house cleaning"and went shopping for Easter clothes. Thankfully, we had success.
The kids had friends for a sleepover. We just hoped they would sleep. Eventually they did.
Next on the list was shopping for shoes. In took a few stops but we got everyone take care of in time.
We baked kuchens. . .for ourselves, for friends, for family. They were yummy.
I had a moment of idiocy when I went to the basement to get Cool Whip from the freezer and ended up moving filing cabinets and putting a countertop on them so the kids would have a work station again (like they did at the old house). Then I went in search of lamps because we have primitive lighting in the basement so you can have all nine 100 watt bulbs on with the flick of one switch or you can turn on one of two lamps. I need to make some hanging lamps.
This morning we hung out in the basement making plans for our new space. Should we do a wall of four bunk beds? It would cost me my book nook, huge closet and sewing space. Or should we keep the book nook et al space and just do one set of built in bunk beds? Should we do parallel shelving or units on adjacent walls (we decided on adjacent walls for now). We planned out the kitchenette. And bathroom--again.
It's been crazy busy. Dreaming. Screaming. Hanging out laughing. Arguing. Living all together in 1 room for 2 nights. Spreading out across the house.
And tomorrow, we celebrate Easter. Just before we have to go back to reality. . .just eight weeks until the end of school, right?
Because it's Saturday, how about a little Saturday night music? We aren't in Louisiana but you don't have to be to enjoy the song. This one's a performance video so it's a bit different from the one I listened to all those years ago but I like the energy in it. Enjoy!