I have made it through most of our family photos (just under twenty years--woo hoo!). I have sifted through many of my photos from when I was a kid, going back another twenty years in history. I have worked through many of my husband's family photos; my best guess there is that I have made it back to the 1940s. However I have not managed to get through all of my parents' side of the family--yet. There are pictures there dating back to World War I. Oh dear. That means that I have around one hundred years of photos!
Daunting task to say the least. Do we make it a true collage with a mixture of color and black/white photos? Turn all the color photos into black and white? Do we make it random or matchy-neat pattern? Should we select posed studio type pictures or random captured moments?
Decisions decisions decisions.
I'll leave you with a taste of what might go up on the wall. . . .
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