Where has my summer gone?
Last year by this time I had a long list of accomplishments.
I fear this year has a much shorter list.
Here goes:
I got 2 walls of my house decorated. After 3 years in the house it was time to put holes in the wall, right? So we did. A wall above the computer/study table in the kitchen has been decorated, mainly to help absorb noise. It now has a "life's lessons" quilt and two fabric covered bulletin boards. A wall of family portraits in the dining room has been completed. That was tough--sifting through years of family pictures to find the ones that we most wanted to put on that wall. I am still working on smaller displayes for the stairwell--pictures of each of the girls, photos I love but couldn't make fit on the dining room wall.
I got the pull down shade installed in my middle child's bedroom. She has had a curtain on that window for a good long while but I wanted a shade. I finally got one and hung it with just a bit of help from my husband. (Still need to hang one on the last remaining uncovered window on the main floor. And maybe I should get some for the 2 windows downstairs.)
We took the girls to baseball games. That was fun.
We spent a lot of time at the library.
We spent at least one day each week swimming.
The kids had friends over to spend the night and just hang out.
We purged kids' dressers and closets. Young Imelda was able to pick up a number of pairs of shoes for her closet once we pulled them out of her sisters' closets. And still we had a number of pairs of shoes to donate away.
I bought daylilies and my husband planted them for me around the yard. Our old house had a lot of gorgeous daylilies that I wish I had dug up and brought to my new house (seeing as the current owners just kept cutting them down each year when then grew up--so sad!)
We went to the gym--a lot. One would think I would have a decent amount of weight loss to show for that but no. Sad but true. On the upside, clothes do fit better so the gym did some good.
Oops, those last two projects were supposed to happen already and didn't. Darn.
But still, that's not such a bad list after all.